Our blog
Learn from our team of experts! Read our latest thinking in Innovative learning and development for teachers and leaders. Keep up to date with trends, and our tips and tricks to support effective and sustainable PLD.
High-quality professional development for teachers
Teachers influence people’s lives. There is no doubt that education systems globally are striving to improve how teachers teach, especially given...
The benefits of investing in PLD
Investing in professional learning and development (PLD) is essential for creating a vibrant and effective educational environment. As schools...
The Science of Learning in Education
The Brain and the Science of Learning: Understanding the Connection The science of learning, a field that leverages insights from cognitive...
How can technological tools help support effective assessment practices in schools?
By Lindsey Conner and Julia Crawford. In today's digital age, technology has become an indispensable part of the educational landscape. Among the...
Unlocking Literacy: The Rise of Structured Literacy in Education
In recent years, a buzzword has been circulating within education circles: structured literacy. From educators and policymakers to parents and...
The Core Components of Structured Literacy: Building Blocks for Reading and Writing Success
In the realm of literacy education, structured literacy has emerged as a powerful framework for teaching reading and writing, particularly for...
Building a Collaborative Math Community: Developing Maths Norms in Your Classroom
"I put them into groups, but they just don’t work together" Group work in the classroom can be a powerful tool for learning, but it’s not always...
Collaborative people-focused approach sees results for kāhui ako
Originally published by Education Gazette. A North-West Auckland kāhui ako is breathing life into its name – Whiria te Tangata. Through weaving...
What Will Make a Difference in New Zealand Education?
Advancing education is often intricate and unpredictable. Well-intentioned ideas can sometimes lead to unintended consequences that are hard to...
Transformational Education Using Technologies: Challenges and Benefits
Dr. Lindsey Conner presented the below paper at the 2022 International Conference on Innovation for Outcomes-based Education. Abstract Using a range...
“Weaving” learning across Te Mātaiaho
“Weaving” learning across Te Mātaiaho (the refreshed curriculum) to understand, know and do. Weaving can be seen as a way of knowing the world...
Leading teaching as inquiry within professional growth cycles
Teaching as inquiry (TAI) supports and informs professional growth cycles to enable teachers to identify and make quite specific changes in teaching...
Authentic voice collection empowers Motueka Kāhui Ako
Originally published by Education Gazette. A relationship-based learning programme which features collecting authentic feedback and focusing on...
Growing cultural competence – standing on two feet
Supporting the development of leadership in New Zealand schools these days requires a high degree of cultural capability. Equity and excellence for...
Are we playing fair? Enacting effective assessment
Assessment, both formative and summative, are and always have been hot topics in education globally. There are a plethora of apps, platforms, and...
The art of inclusion for students with dyslexia
Mainstream inclusion, aligned with the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is the most suitable paradigm for the educational inclusion...
Exploring the intersection between Universal Design for Learning and the human rights model of disability
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an approach to curriculum design and delivery that caters for a wide diversity of learners. It is an...
Positive Reconnections during COVID – 19
‘We only do Positive’ FA 2018 As we reintegrate, reengage and reconnect with returning students in our physical schools after lockdowns, let's...
The impact of digital distance learning on students’ performance
by Steve Saville and Rebecca Thomas The world has managed distance learning on and off for over a year. Recently New Zealand entered a strict...
Addressing inequity: Looking back and moving forward with New Zealand’s education system
Recently, I became the Education Director Asia-Pacific for Cognition Education, and I would like to share of my thoughts and aspirations for New...
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