Our blog
Learn from our team of experts! Read our latest thinking in Innovative learning and development for teachers and leaders. Keep up to date with trends, and our tips and tricks to support effective and sustainable PLD.
Define Wellbeing: turn a cliche into effective support for students, teachers and leaders.
Written by Rebecca Thomas and Steve Saville. WELLBEING is a term we have become accustomed to hearing on a daily basis. Increasingly, it is an...
School voice: kōrero on dates of significance
We asked and you answered! We put to the NZ education community the following questions: How do you use dates of significance to connect with your...
Once upon a time in Kaikohe West…
When Kaikohe West School applied for PLD funding and linked up with Cognition Education, its staff and students set foot on a path to seemingly...
Twinkle, twinkle teaching star: what you think is how (effective) you are
Recently published by the British Council, Dr Arran Hamilton discusses how teachers view their profession affects their performance and student...
How can leaders support critical change in 2021?
Written by Rebecca Thomas and Steve Saville. The start of a new year; a new cohort of learners, the return of an energised staff and a new...
Establishing positive wellbeing in the classroom
E tiro whakamau ana ki te tau hou Ko tēnei te whakatipuranga o te tamaiti i roto i tōna oranga nui, i runga hoki i tōna mana motuhake, mana...
Voices from NZ Schools: what have we learnt from 2020?
2020 Reflections and 2021 Goals As we reflect on 2020, this year has been full of some great successes, and also some hard learning - maybe more...
Professional Growth Cycles – what does this mean for me?
New for NZ - Professional Growth Cycles Performance appraisal requirements for teachers in New Zealand have recently been removed by the Teaching...
Education technology – is it being oversold?
By Dr Arran Hamilton From learning management systems, intelligent tutoring platforms to completely paperless schools – the use of education...
North-East Teachers are Key
The key to the success of North-East schools are North-East teachers. These are those teachers, who by a special combination of skills in creating...
Leadership in North-East Schools
North-East teachers are supported by North-East leaders in North-East schools. North-East schools are those where all students are successful. To do...
A Spotlight on Inequity
One of the major questions facing us in education is why educational ‘failure’ and ‘success’ often appears to be differentiated along ethnic,...
Teaching to the North-East
Educators need to address educational inequalities by including those currently marginalised from the benefits of education into the conversation...
Student Voice Drives Change
Student voice tell us who they need their teachers to be. Imagine the impact upon us if we were not able to form positive relationships with our...
Mathematics: Basic Facts are the Way Forward
Back to basicsDo these sayings sound familiar? Do you cringe thinking back to timed tests we used to do at school? Test yourself now. You have 10...
Math Anxiety is Real: 5 Tips for Teachers
"There is a huge elephant standing in most math classrooms: it is the idea that only some students can do well in math. Students believe it, parents...
Putting Story at the Heart of Your School – Lifting Literacy
Stories open up worlds and build imagination for our tamariki. They are significant for our children for various reasons: when you are read to you...
Wellbeing and Deep Conversations
You become an educator for a reason, it's a calling, it's in your soul. Whether you stumbled onto this pathway by accident, or pre-planned the...
Relationships are Fundamental to Learning
Developed in collaboration with Emeritus Professor Russell Bishop and Cognition Education, Relationships First is the latest development for...
Te ara o tukutuku pūngawerewere | The Pathway of the Spider
The First Thread This blog follows on from our initial article titled 5 Voices and 5 learnings from COVID-19, which was based on our three...
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