Our blog

Learn from our team of experts! Read our latest thinking in Innovative learning and development for teachers and leaders. Keep up to date with trends, and our tips and tricks to support effective and sustainable PLD.

North-East Teachers are Key

North-East Teachers are Key

The key to the success of North-East schools are North-East teachers. These are those teachers, who by a special combination of skills in creating...

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Leadership in North-East Schools

Leadership in North-East Schools

North-East teachers are supported by North-East leaders in North-East schools. North-East schools are those where all students are successful. To do...

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A Spotlight on Inequity

A Spotlight on Inequity

One of the major questions facing us in education is why educational ‘failure’ and ‘success’  often appears to be differentiated along ethnic,...

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Teaching to the North-East

Teaching to the North-East

Educators need to address educational inequalities by including those currently marginalised from the benefits of education into the conversation...

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Student Voice Drives Change

Student Voice Drives Change

Student voice tell us who they need their teachers to be. Imagine the impact upon us if we were not able to form positive relationships with our...

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