Providing Pedagogy PLD for schools across Aotearoa New Zealand
Providing Pedagogy PLD for schools across Aotearoa New Zealand
Our Pedagogy Expertise
At Cognition Education, we take pride in supporting teachers and educational leaders to improve their teaching practice.
With a deep understanding of instructional methods, learning theories, and classroom management strategies, we design tailored professional development for educators and leaders.
We aim to foster dynamic and inclusive learning environments that prioritise academic excellence and holistic development. By equipping educators with research, tools, and confidence we build capacity and capability across schools in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Explore our Pedagogy Expertise
Culturally responsive
When leadership and kaiako are culturally capable, they are aware of practices that perpetuate discrimination, racism and inequity.
We prioritise supporting leadership and teaching that integrates students’ diverse cultural backgrounds, identities, and experiences, fostering an inclusive learning environment that values all perspectives. Our focus is on equipping educators with the necessary skills for effective culturally responsive teaching.
Our approach involves addressing discrimination and inequity practices within Māori and Pacific communities, and the wider population. Drawing on our work with thousands of schools, we emphasise the importance of building strong relationships with students, particularly those from marginalised backgrounds, to foster equitable outcomes.
Our specialised Cultural Capability team assists school leaders in understanding their diverse communities, enabling educators to build meaningful connections with all students.
Is your school culturally capable? Contact our experienced team today.
Read more about our Relationship First® Programme here

One in five children and young people require additional learning support due to various factors, such as disabilities, learning difficulties, or health and behavioural challenges (OECD 2007).
Our team supports schools across Aoteroa New Zealand to enable all learners reach their potential. We can support teachers and leaders to:
- understand a broad range of neurodiverse conditions and diagnoses
- review teaching and learning environments
- remove or reduce barriers for neurodiverse learners
- review local curriculum
- upskill teaching practices
- promote inclusivity and awareness
- implement flexible learning strategies.
Do you want to help all learners to reach their potential? Contact our team today.
Embrace a kotahitanga philosophy to empower schools at every level. Enhancing the wellbeing of organisations, professionals, and ākonga (students) is fundamental. By prioritising Hauora (holistic health) within the school ecosystem, we equip leaders, educators, and students with the resilience and confidence needed to thrive throughout their educational journey.
Our Hauora PLD programme aims to:
- cultivates sustainable organisational structures, shared vision, and goals
- promote strategies for professional well-being
- enable educators to facilitate student-centered learning effectively
- foster independent thinking among ākonga
- promote a culture of collaboration, equipping children with conflict resolution skills
- cultivate listening and empathy skills
- amplify ākonga voices and encourage active engagement
- encourage open-mindedness, embracing diverse perspectives
- foster compassion and respect, nurturing a caring and understanding culture
We are committed to supporting educators and ākonga on their journey towards holistic growth and personal development.
Contact us today if you would like to prioritise your school’s and ākonga hauora.

Innovative Learning
Innovative Learning is all about collaborating in various types of classrooms.
For schools venturing into progressive teaching methodologies, the emphasis lies in cultivating adaptable learning spaces that foster collaboration at every level.
Many institutions have come to realise that physical redesigning of spaces doesn’t necessarily trigger the desired transformation in learning outcomes. It’s important that a school’s investment in infrastructure is complimented by professional development. Our expertise lies in creating flexible learning spaces that not only stimulate but also facilitate collaborative learning experiences across all levels.
If your school is seeking fresh and dynamic approaches to learning and teaching, get in touch today.
Assessment for Learning
Improving assessment in schools is crucial for fostering learning and well-being, shaping local curricula, and enhancing student progress.
Our Assessment for Learning Professional Learning and Development equips schools with expertise to maximize the value of assessment data. With a deep understanding of educational settings, we help design effective assessment practices, offering guidance on innovative tools and procedures for informed decision-making.
Our consultants work directly with faculty to ensure a comprehensive understanding of assessment data, devising and implementing strategies that empower students in their learning journey.
Our Areas of Expertise:
- Strategic Planning
- Alignment with Local Curriculum
- Systems Improvement
- Student-Centred Methodologies
- Mathematics Assessment
- Literacy Assessment
- De-streaming
+ new online programme out now! Data-Led School Success (DLSS) is an essential short course for school leaders and their teams, designed to fast-track school-wide performance by embedding data-informed practices into everyday decision-making. Find out more, and enrol here.
Partner with us to unlock the full potential of assessment in driving meaningful educational growth and development.

“The Assessment for Learning processes facilitated by Cognition Education stimulated reflection and motivated the further pursuit of knowledge by teachers in our Kāhui Ako and our teachers have definitely increased their capacity to influence learning.”
Level 8, 139 Quay Street, Auckland 1010
New Zealand